Inspired. The Senate Library was inspired to share the Senate's past with all who work in and visit Pennsylvania's Capitol.
Uncovered. Much time and dedicated research has uncovered the Senate's untold and fascinating Institutional history.
Honored. The Senate Library honors the Senate's past and creates a legacy of this Institution through these exhibitions.
This permanent exhibition brings to light — for the first time — the unique Institutional history of the Senate, the legislative process it is a part of, and the people who have served within its halls.
Organized chronologically, this display takes visitors back in time to experience the rich history of Pennsylvania from the perspective of the General Assembly's upper chamber — the Senate. The development of Pennsylvania's legislature—from its first days inside Philadelphia's Old State House to its recent Centennial Celebration—are examined as visitors journey from the Senate of the past to the Senate of today.
The Senate Library's goal for this exhibition is to have all visitors experience a journey – from the Senate of the past to the Senate of today – learning the following along the way:
- Since its creation in 1790, the Senate of Pennsylvania has strived to meet the legislative needs of the Commonwealth’s citizens.
- The Institutional work completed by the Pennsylvania Senate is historically valuable and currently relevant, and supports past and current legislatures.
- Historically, the Senate Library has been indispensably involved with the Institutional legislative operations of the Senate.
- Currently, the Senate Library serves the legislature and the public as a reference library and gatekeeper of the Senate’s Institutional and legislative past.
- The leadership of the Senate has evolved over time to reflect the needs of an ever-changing Commonwealth.
Note: *The text for the standards are written (with the occasional exception of field-specific language) at the sixth grade level, hence the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Grade 6 are used to support the exhibitions.
The Office of the Secretary of the Senate and the Senate Library acknowledge the assistance offered to this legacy project by the Senate Chief Clerk's Office, the Caucuses and several outside organizations.
Exhibition Team
- Megan Martin, Secretary and Parliamentarian of the Senate
- Evelyn Andrews, Librarian of the Senate
- Jess Rodic, Assistant Secretary of the Senate
- Sarah Greenwald, Curator and Project Manager, Office of the Secretary of the Senate
- Donna Wheeler, Administrative Assistant, Senate Library
- George Soule, Administrative Assistant, Senate Library
- Amy Gregory, Legal Intern, Office of the Secretary of the Senate
Office of the President Pro Tempore
- President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati
- Shelly Brown, Majority Staff Administrator
- Drew Crompton, Chief of Staff/Chief Counsel to Senator Scarnati
- Kate Flessner, Communications Director, Senator Scarnati
Office of the Chief Clerk of the Senate Staff
- Donnetta D'Innocenzo, Chief Clerk of the Senate
- Ami Sawyer, Facilities Manager
- Dave Szoboscan, Assistant Facilities Manager
- Chris Miller, Facilities Assistant
- Rob Nagle, Facilities Assistant
- Jay Craig, Fixed Assets Coordinator
- Jeremy Toner, Director of IT/Telecommunications
- Steve Kishbaugh, Technology Assistant
- Scott McCoy, Telecommunications Technician
- Mike McGinnis, Telecommunications Technician
- Marie Duffin, Director of Purchasing
- Rebecca Hoover, Purchasing Agent
- Jessica Atkinson, Purchasing Agent
Republican Communications Staff
- Carolyn Milligan, Director
- Chris Guerrisi, Photographer
- Madi Wolfe, Photographer
Democrat Caucus Operations Staff
- Hugh Baird, Communications & Issues Development Director
- Helen Mabus, Graphics Illustrator
- James Robinson, Photographer
Office of Senate Security
Senate Print Shop
Legislative Data Processing Center
- Brent McClintock, Executive Director
- Jason Tully, Legislative Application Supervisor
- David Burton, Computer Programmer
Exhibit Studios
- Mike Fink
- Larry Christian
- Exhibit Studios Installation Staff
Gaylord Archival
Pennsylvania Capitol Preservation Committee
- David Craig, Executive Director
- Jason Wilson, Historian
Pennsylvania State Library Staff
- Kathy Hale, Government Documents Librarian
- Iren Snavely, Rare Books Librarian
- Kevin Spangenberg, Librarian
- Jesse Noonan, Digitization Technician
House of Representatives Office of the Chief Clerk
- Jesse Teitelbaum, BMC Programs Coordinator
House of Representative Archives Staff
- Heidi Mays, Director
- Jennifer Ott, Research Analyst
Pennsylvania State Archives Staff
- Jonathan Stayer, Supervisor of Reference Services
- Michael Sherbon, Photograph and Special Media Archivist
Historical Society of Dauphin County Staff
- Ken Frew, Research Librarian/Acting Archivist and Curator
- Christine Turner, Executive Director
- Craig Emerson, grandson of the late Senate Librarian Mary E. Kunkle